The EPFL Open Science Workshop on Solar Fuels Standards and Benchmarking will promote open science practices so that reports of solar fuel devices can be more easily found, compared and replicated. Consequently, we have invited ten expert speakers in the field (Prof. Erwin Reisner, Prof. Kazuhiro Takanabe, Dr. Kayer Ayers, Dr. Todd Deutsch, Dr. Francesca Toma, Prof. Vincent Artero, Prof. Sixto Gimenez, Prof. David Fermin, Prof. Jae Sung Lee, Prof. Chengxiang Xiang) to discuss standardization and benchmarking in lab-scale devices, degradation and materials, and prototype scale demonstrations. Discussion of the topics raised during the presentations will be facilitated through three panel discussions. Furthermore, the workshop will launch the EPFL Solar Fuels Database, a project that will provide a unified and continually updated record of solar energy to fuel research – initially focusing on cataloguing photo-electrochemical water splitting and integrated photo-voltaic/water electrolysis. Due to the nature of the ongoing pandemic, this workshop will proceed as a “hybrid” event where the presentations and discussion sessions will be broadcast live for audiences unable to attend in-person. For the in-person attendees: This is a Covid-free event and therefore a valid Swiss COVID certificate must be presented at the door.
Registration details: Online via the event webpage (no registration fee). Registration deadline for on-site participation Nov 22, for online participation until Dec 3.